
We love our planet and take sustainability very seriously, which is why the Earth is always at our table as an important stakeholder when it comes to important decisions. Although the Earth is not legally listed as a shareholder in our company, our thoughts on environmental protection and sustainability are firmly integrated into our decision-making. At sodastyle, we have established fundamental principles to ensure that all our decisions should be made in harmony with the interests of the environment and the earth.

  • Environmental policy

    We have formulated an internal environmental policy to support us in our decisions. This policy contains guidelines and targets for protecting the environment, conserving resources and reducing environmental impact. Our aim is to create a transparent circular economy.

  • Reconciliation guidelines

    We have determined that our decisions should also be in line with the interests of this beautiful planet Earth and consider their impact. This means that decisions are made with environmental, social and sustainability aspects in mind and that negative implications should be documented and avoided as far as possible.

  • Sustainability reporting

    sodastyle GmbH would like to voluntarily report annually on its sustainability performance and environmental impact. This report is intended to create transparency and enable us to better understand and measure the impact of decisions on the earth and, above all, to communicate them transparently. The first report will be published for the year 2024 in Q1 2025.


We are aware that our choice of material, e.g. acrylic (PMMA) for the lids and the country of manufacture (China), means that not all decisions are always 100% in line with our wishes. Nevertheless, we make these decisions consciously, weigh them up and try to measure and report the ecological footprint as far as possible. Based on our measurements, we also try to compensate for emissions that cannot (yet) be avoided and to reduce or completely avoid them in future. We plan to create a circular economy by taking back lids and their packaging through a recycling concept (launch: 2024) and recycling and/or reusing them with the help of a partner. Transparency is a matter close to our hearts: we are on a journey together, and we are happy to take you with us. If you have any questions, suggestions, criticism or ideas for improvement: Contact us.
