Stressfrei durch die Feiertage - 10 Tipps für entspannte Festtage

Stress-free through the festive season - 10 tips for a relaxed holidays

Isa Paradis
The Christmas season should be a time of joy, togetherness and relaxation. Unfortunately, it can also be stressful and hectic for many.

Here are ten tips to help you enjoy the holidays in a more relaxed way:

10 simple tips for a stress-free Christmas season

1. plan early: Start planning your Christmas early. Whether it's presents, menus or decorations - the earlier you take care of them, the more relaxed the time just before the holidays will be.

2. set a budget: Set a budget for gifts and other Christmas expenses. This will prevent unexpected expenses and the associated stress.

3. simple traditions: Think about what traditions really have meaning for you. Sometimes the simplest rituals are the most beautiful.

4. time for yourself: consciously plan moments of relaxation. A hot bath, a walk or a good book can work wonders.

5 Delegate: You don't have to do everything on your own. Share tasks with family members or friends and make it a joint event.

6. online shopping: To avoid the stress of shopping in the city center, buy gifts online (for example from sodastyle). There are often special Christmas offers. But pay attention to sustainability. Short distances and little packaging.

7. simple gifts: Think about homemade or meaningful gifts. It is often the personal gestures that are most appreciated.

8 Realistic expectations: Not everything has to be perfect. The most important thing about Christmas is spending time with loved ones.

9. prepare for visits: If you're expecting guests, prepare as much in advance as possible. And remember: it's about being together, not about a perfect dinner.

10. take a deep breath: When everything gets a little overwhelming, take a moment, take a deep breath and remember the true meaning of Christmas

PS: Get the digital gift card for friends and family with a soda maker at home - they'll be thrilled.

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